Transas’ ‘Pay As You Sail’ simply a new and unique way of accessing official (S)ENC charts.
Recording and reporting of charts used is done with Transas ECDIS logbook.
Vessels only pay for charts actually used for navigation monitoring. In other words, you only pay for best scale charts and not for all charts that have been under the keel.
Transas PAYS service is an online service for access to license charts and corrections. Chart licensing, management and chart activity recording are integrated with ECDIS.
Traditionally, navigators must select and purchase charts prior to each voyage by placing a chart order online or via a local sales office. This method is commonly called ‘pre-licensing’. With the ‘pre-licensing’ method the user must have purchased a licensed chart to be able to view any chart data other than just the chart border.
With Transas’ ‘Pay As You Sail’ the vessel will have licensed access to view and pre-plan in official charts at no extra cost. The vessel will only be charged for charts used for actual navigation monitoring; in other words, charts that have been displayed on the screen together with ships position and symbol or generated navigational alarms. In principle this is ‘best scale charts only’, not all charts under the keel. Recording and reporting of charts used is done with and by extraction from the Transas ECDIS logbook.